What makes us 'up to the task'

About aTask

Our story begin in 2018 with a group of individuals having extensive software development experience, the journey started from Melbourne, Australia is now extended to other continents and our partner presents around the globe.
aTask IT Solutions is a Software Development, Information Technology Services and Consultancy firm, At aTask we develop innovative and creative products and services. Our business philosophy spin around agility and resilience that adheres to the following principles:

  • Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority at all times.
  • Always welcome changes throughout the project execution process, and support a flexible project design and timeline.
  • Deliver final, functioning software as early as possible, and deliver functioning prototypes at key stages during development.
  • Encourage open communication between business and technical staff on a regular basis.
  • Assign motivated, qualified individuals to the project team, and equip them with the environment and tools that are necessary for success.
  • Recognize the benefits of face-to-face communication, and use it on a regular basis.
  • Functioning software is the primary measure of progress and final success.
  • Implement processes that make it possible to sustain consistent and reliable progress.
  • Remain dedicated to technical and design excellence.
  • Focus on simplicity, reducing the steps necessary to complete each task.
  • Include the execution team in the planning process, valuing their input regarding architecture, requirements, and design.
  • Regularly review performance and results, with an eye on improving processes and methods regularly.
aTask IT Solutions company